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Grammarly Is The best Grammer Checker

Grammarly is a proofreading and writing tool that detects errors in writing. This relates not just to errors in punctuation, but also syntactical and other grammatical errors. With every error detected, see the guidelines on how to fix it.


One of the top features that impressed me is that Grammarly robustly checks the spelling and subsequently compares the text to web results for plagiarism. There is also editing help involved, in the form of advice about the writing style.

Grammar, pronunciation, and succinct testing are included in the free edition of Grammarly. The paid edition of Grammarly provides users with the free version features plus the following features: readability, development of vocabulary, genre-specific writing style tests, and identification of plagiarism.


Grammarly has a FREE version that can be used as a writing and proofreading tool.

The PREMIUM package can be paid monthly, annually or yearly.

The monthly plan costs $29.95 and provides lesser value than the other two plans.

The quarterly a slightly better option with $59.95/3 months.

With the premium plan, it’s $11.66/months, billed as one $139.95 payment.

Grammarly BUSINESS used for 3 members minimum and cost from $540 billed annually.

Grammarly has a comprehensive database of known issues and solution, with tips, tutorials, and an FAQ list. I never got stuck at any point as finding a specific feature was so easy, fill out a short answer form and be met with a short answer.

Overall, I claim that Grammarly is a useful tool that can elevate the work of any professional writer. Even the free version is useful for anyone who writers, but it’s the Premium feature that makes it completely worth it. It saves a lot of time by automating proofreading and checking the authenticity of the text. With the style-related suggestions, it starts all a writer needs in one single package.


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